Of all the places we could have been to see the eclipse, I truly believe that the spot we chose could not have been better. Why, you ask? Because we got to spend it in Piedmont with family. Not to mention we saw the 100% version. It really was something to see. I'm not sure that Stella was impressed, she seemed a little off her game. But seriously, can you blame her? It went from light, to dark, to light again in a matter of 15-20 minutes. She's nocturnal, so there's that. I did try to include her in the process but she said..."Hell, No!" She was however, happy to be back at the Grand Estate that is Rick and Barb's. They love her and she loves them, but most importantly she loves their creek.
And just for good measure, here are a few more random shots from our visit, because as everyone knows, it's all about STELLA! Let's face it, she's just too cute and I'm a crazy cat lady. In the interest of full disclosure, my daughter is even crazier...just sayin'. Sorry Crystal, but you are....lol
Now that we've covered the eclipse and Stella, I'm sure you are wondering at this point where the "Around the world in 7 days" comes in. Patience is a virtue...and I need to preface the following with this: Food is fun, food is life, but here- at Rick and Barb's-food is love, and saying grace matters. It's our special spot to both try and experience new things. This stop had Barbara teaching me how to forage for Morel mushrooms. Now that may not sound like a big deal to some, and that's okay, but for me it was. I learned something new, I was out in nature, and I got to spend time with Barb. I grew up without sisters and my sister-in-laws are wonderful people in their own right, but I have to say-Barb is special. The time we spent together foraging, weeding the herb garden, prying tree roots out of the flower bed, and putting together puzzles was just perfect. Each visit brings us closer together as a family and who wouldn't want that?
Okay, I've made you wait long enough. Every visit to Rick and Barb's is a foodie adventure. Well I'm here to say that they went "next level" this time. We arrived on Sunday and so began our trip around the world. Each day we had a meal that represented a different country, and everyday was a surprise. In all of our travels, I can't think of a time that we were made to feel so special.
And now I give you: 7 Days Around The World!
Butter Chicken, Coconut Basmati Rice, Cucumber Raita

Venison Sauerbraten, Creamed Morels with Gemelli Pasta and Pine nuts , with a side of homemade Sauerkraut, Beets and Brown Bread.

Polska Kielbasa, Cabbage and Noodles 'Haluski'
*(Side Note #1: We added Mike's famous ribs to this country. Why? Because we wanted them and we could....just go with it...lol
Side Note #2: I had not 1, not 2, but THREE helpings of the Haluski, because...DAMN!)

Lane Snapper, Garden Salad, Loaded Potato Cakes, Honey Roaster Squash with Triple Alium tomato and Cilantro Cream

Light dinner - a bit of a mix. Pierogis and Florida Onions with Black and Yellow Morel and button mushroom soup. And yes, these are the Morels that we foraged for. Full disclosure: I only found one...

Escargot, Pork Chops with Dijon Cream Sauce, Haricots Verts Lyonnaise
Light dinner - French onion soup with Cheddar and Chive Biscuits

Grilled Beef Heart Skewers ('Anticuchos de Corazon'), Crab Ceviche Tostadas

Stewed Quail with Paprika and Onions, Asiago and Chorizo Tortilla
It was a delicious and fun foodie adventure. But it's not just about the food though. The Grand Estate is also about sitting on the porch and enjoying the sites and sounds. Watching the wildlife and listening to the creek. Taking time to read or just sit in comfortable silence. And as always it's a great place to spend time with family. Thank you both for another lovely visit...Much Love!!
As I write this, we are parked at The Blue Roof Inn; AKA: Judy and Harold's in Tennessee. Another little slice of heaven. I'm looking forward to telling you all about it....
Until then....Be Well, Be Happy and Safe Travels